After Photo
On this property, the homeowner initially called us out to inspect som leaks they were having. There were multiple points of failure on this client's roof, but our inspector found a significant amount of wind damaged shingles. When a shingle has wind damaged, its adhesive bond to the roof fails, and this can allow wind driven rain to creep up underneath the shingle up to the nail head where the water can now cause damage. Due to the amount of wind damage found, we advised the client to file a homeowners insurance claim. A Connecticut Roofing Solutions technician personally met with the Insurance Company's Adjuster to point out the areas of concern, and we were the point of contact for the insurance underwriter as well. We navigated this process for our client, and they had their roof replaced only having to pay their insurance deductible!
Our Sales Team, Support Staff, and Crews are experts when it comes to all aspects of Residential Roofing. Our crews not only replaced this roof with a beautiful GAF Timberline 50 Year Architectural Shingle in Charcoal Color with Best in Class Manufacturer & Workmanship Warranty, but also got the job done in just 1 day. Another issue on this roof was a gutter that was installed in between two sections of roof that was causing water problems as well. We upgraded this design by removing the gutter, and installing Custom Bent Headwall Flashing which was previously missing.
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